Cities - Ciudad de México

12 hrs: Saturday south of Mexico City

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Aarón Caballero, Chief Concierge of Las Alcobas, presents his best recommendations to enjoy the most of your stay in one of the most traditional neighborhoods of the capital: Coyoacan.

Coyoacan is, undoubtedly, one of the attractions of our city. Its beautiful streets are forgotten by travelers because of the fame the artist Frida Kahlo and her husband Diego Rivera have. Therefore, we want to tell you about different places you can’t leave aside.

Arrive hungry and without having breakfast because we’ll be trying different things on this tour.

For an authentic “Chilango” experience, (chilango is the way people from Mexico City are called) we recommend you arrive at 9 in the morning at the Lecaroz bakery, located behind the parish of San Juan Bautista. You will find here a street vendor who sells tamales. They have chicken in green sauce, mole, and sweet tamales. You can accompany them with chocolate atole or rice pudding. There is no more authentic breakfast than this! Do you want to be more adventurous? Ask for a “Torta de Tamal”; this calorie bomb moves the locals every morning.

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The Frida Kahlo Casa Azul is a must. Buy your tickets in advanced to avoid long lines! A lot of people think that they will find Frida’s art here, but the museum shows more of her life style and personal belongings.

After a walk, we can then visit El Mercado de Coyoacan, where you will be able to find tostadas with different stews. These stews are prepared with different meats and ingredients: fish, seafood, chicken, meat, etc… Besides, you will be able to visit an authentic Market in Mexico City. Afterwards, for desserr, have an ice cream at “El Kisoco de Coyoacan”, our favorites ones are Mamey and Chico Zapote.

Visit the Parish of San Juan Bautista, an architectural beauty of the colonial era and a great representation of the Baroque style of New Spain. Then, go to the Plaza de la Conchita, where you will find the first church from the New Spain, built by Hernán Cortés on top of a pre-Hispanic altar. It is said that Hernán Cortés married his first indigenous wife on this site.

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After talking a walk around Coyoacan, on a Saturday, you can’t miss el Bazar del Sábado. This outdoor market its very famous, and you will be able to find arts & crafts, clothess and all sort of art pieces. It is located in the Plaza of San Jacinto in the San Angel neighborhood.

And since we were in the Frida Kahlo Museum and now we are in San Angel, visit the Diego Rivera’s studio that is across the street from the San Angel Restaurant. It’s worth visiting the Mexican painter´s workspace.

By now I’m sure you are tired of walking! To end your day, enjoy the San Angel Inn patio, food and service. Originally it was an hacienda, and these days is one of the most important restaurants in the city. Ask your Concierge to make a reservation. This restaurant is very buys on the weekends.

We hope you enjoy of this Saturday in our marvelous Mexico City!

Where is Coyoacan?

Sobre el autor: Somos expertos en información sobre destinos y estilo de viaje por México.

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